Sulfur Dioxide Releases Connected to Earthquake Activity

Warning for North America (and all the world)

I’ve been studying Abrupt Climate Change closely for the last 1 1/2 years and have been reporting my findings from various sources on a regular basis.  I’ve noticed a high release of sulfur dioxide to be a pre-cursor to earthquake activity and also evidence of volcanic activity.  This last week, I saw alarming amounts of sulfur dioxide being released from the west coast of the United States all the way across half of the country, along with releases off the west coast of North America and other hot spots in the Pacific Ocean.

Very high releases of sulfur dioxide began in late June with the eruption of the Raikoke Volcano that sent two 43,000 foot blasts into the atmosphere after being dormant for 95 years.  I’ve been monitoring these releases on CAMS on a daily basis and reporting frequently.  The sulfur dioxide release I saw from that volcano was the most I’ve ever seen.  This week as that large sulfur dioxide cloud was finally dissipating enough to see other activity, I saw what I described above.  I reported my findings in the following video that has been posted on SubscribeStar for my private members.  However, this is so important, I want others to know of the situation.  I’m not posting this information on YouTube because of the censorship and attacks that could result.

Many geologists are saying the Cascadia subduction zone or the Northwest part of the United States will be hit with “The Big One” any time now.  Many say that could lead to a Yellowstone eruption.  There are also thousands of earthquakes swarming in the Southern California area where the ground is literally splitting apart for miles and miles.  I’ve been reporting on this activity in daily earthquake updates since December.

The above described activity could indicate the crust is moving and magma is getting closer and closer to the surface.  I’ve had visions of what is to come.  What I’ve seen is that when things happen, it will be all at once and the whole earth will be affected, but especially the west coast of the United States.  It’s probably too late for people to move and I’m not sure there will be safe places to move to.  I’ve also seen high increases in methane levels and unprecedented melting of the Arctic Sea Ice in my daily observations.  In light of all of this, I believe time is very short.  If you’ve not given your life to Jesus Christ, it’s almost too late.  This is a spiritual war for the souls.  God bless you.  I’m praying for everyone.

If you’d like to follow and support my work, consider joining my SubscribeStar page.

Information about Candida auris

Candida auris, or C-auris has become a hot topic in the news recently.  This is a new form of Candida that has proven to be resistant to traditional drug therapy and deadly to over half of those who contract it.  I did an informational video on C-auris on April 8, 2019.  It is embedded below.  Additionally, I emailed the customer support staff at Global Healing Center (supplier of alternative supplements), asking if any of their products would be effective against C-auris.  I received a prompt reply with lots of good information on Candida and how to manage it, along with links to articles and products they recommend.  I’m posting a copy of the email from Daniel with all the information and links for any who desire to follow-up.  I’m not a medical professional and am not prescribing or offering medical advice.  However, for myself, I always seek a natural course of treatment first and have had more success with herbs and natural remedies than with allopathic medicine.

My message to Global Healing Center: “Hello, I’ve been reading articles that have just come out regarding C-Auris, a new form of candida that is deadly to most people. I’ve been taking your Mycozil product for some time now and am seeing positive results with fighting the mucous load in my body. Would Mycozil or some of your other products be effective against C-Auris? Thank you.”

Their reply:  “Thank you for your email! As this concern can be difficult to control and find balance, Mycozil will be a great help, although we would like to establish a more formal plan that you could consider in this regard. A Candida/yeast and bacterial overgrowth can result from gut imbalance and lead to a myriad of problems, including infection of the skin, throat, esophagus, blood, or genitals. Some of the suggestions that may help you most are found through the article we have posted on our site through the following page link:

What to Do About a Candida or Yeast Overgrowth

While you can try to work on the symptoms, it may be best to consider the entire body as a point to gain control of this concern. It’s important to know that while there are many nutritional supplements available, they are most beneficial when your body is free of toxins. For this reason, we typically suggest a complete cleanse to rebalance and rejuvenate your body’s own internal healing mechanisms. In fact, many people find that body cleansing helps them to overcome most negative health concerns. Check out the 9-step body cleanse plan to get an overview of where most people begin:

Once you’ve cleansed your body, we recommend continuing with a healthy diet and lifestyle to provide the foundation necessary for nutritional supplements to work their best. Suggestions that you may like to consider are offered here:

With this in in mind, it can take some time to find fruition depending on the level of toxicity which you are contending with. However, as you consider these suggestions, if you have any additional questions, we are more than happy to help.

Sending you all the best!

Please feel free to contact the Global Healing Center if you find that we can further assist you.



Important Announcement: Changes Coming to My Platform

I’ve been sharing my work primarily on my YouTube channel and my Facebook page. However, with coming censorship, I’ve established a new, safe and secure platform on Subscribe Star. I will be transitioning to this page more and more. I suggest you visit my Subscribe Star page, bookmark it, join and get familiar with it now, before anything happens to my present platforms.

On this page, I will share my latest research and findings on Abrupt Climate Change and how it relates to The End Times and the Near Term Extinction of all life on our planet. Those of you who are familiar with my work on YouTube know I’m one of the few citizen researchers who consistently reports on rising methane levels and other greenhouse gases, the current state of the sea ice, especially in the Arctic region, earthquakes, volcanoes, climate catastrophes and also the latest on technology, including artificial intelligence. In addition to all the data and news, I also give my own views, spiritual insights and messages to help make sense of the madness.

On this new platform, I will be doing similar reporting as before. In addition, I will be sharing more of my beliefs and views. I will be going into greater depth on sensitive topics that I shied away from on public platforms. I hope to bring together people who want to go beyond the data and be part of a very select group that is aware of the coming collapse and wants to delve more into the spiritual meanings. I want this to be a safe haven as the world becomes darker day by day; a shelter from the storm for renewal of the soul. I am Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I am American and I think it’s still the very best place to be. I’m a white female and I’m proud of my heritage. Lastly, I’m a Senior Citizen, so I’ve been around the block a few times and have seen and done a lot.

Because of the recent developments in Christchurch, New Zealand, there is going to be more and more censorship of channels that promote free thought or a Christian viewpoint. Therefore, I’m establishing this new platform now, while I still have a chance to communicate with my community and let them know how to find me. Yes, it is a paid subscription – $5 a month; less than 17 cents a day; the cost of a latte at Starbucks. I have never asked for donations. My YouTube channel was never monetized. I haven’t made a cent from the more than 300 videos I now have on YouTube. It’s never been about the money. But let’s face it, one needs money to survive here. I’ve been living on my Social Security retirement and my savings. Any additional income would be a big help. The reporting has been a labor of love for my fellow humans and I hope I’ve helped a few people save their souls right here at the end.

Facebook recently banned “white nationalism and white separatism from its platform and Instagram for what they say is “extremist content.” What this really means is anything they decide to suppress.

The other social media giants will follow suit. Channels like mine have already been taken off YouTube. It’s only a matter of time until they get to us. If you’re not allowed to be proud of your Caucasian or European heritage, they will then censor any talk about God and Jesus. I’ve been saying for a long time that we’re in a spiritual battle for the human soul. In the End Times Christians will be persecuted. After Jesus was crucified, his followers had to meet in secret. Eventually all his followers were hunted down and killed. I believe we are entering a time in which the same thing could happen to us. So we need a space where we can freely discuss what’s going on without the threat of censorship and oppression.

Eventually everything will be coming down. But in the meantime, I’m hoping to provide this place for our community to come together in peace for a little while longer. Many will not join me here. That’s okay. The right ones will be here. If you are so inclined, please join me as we unite in our quest for spiritual truth and light. May God bless you and keep you safe.



Prayer for Mother Earth (8 years after Fukushima)

I originally wrote and posted this prayer two years ago.  I’m reposting it again today on the 8th anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daichi, Japan.  The nuclear radiation will continue to pour from the plant, unabated until the earth ends.  It is just one of the many things that is killing Mother Earth and all life on the planet.


Prayer for Mother Earth

My heart is heavy with uncried tears

For all your pain through all the years.

Time is short, yet people dawdle,

Distracted by meaningless chatter.

The sadness, my constant companion,

I now realize is my communion with you.

I used to fret, knowing something was wrong,

Yet not knowing what to do.

I’m now resigned to our fate.

No one said we’d make it out alive anyway.

The powers that rule are cold and cruel.

They never knew your soul.

Even if there were time,

We could not be rid of the unseen, unknown rulers.

How can we fight the enemy when we’re blind, deaf and dumb?

I’m sorry for your suffering.

Thank you for your sacrifices you’ve made for us.

Thank you for your service, your loving and caring heart.

When it’s time to go, wrap us in your arms and take us home with you.

We are the walking dead, just waiting and hoping it will be short and swift.

Dear Father/Mother God, Creator of this beautiful world,

Forgive us, we knew not what we did.

We were controlled, deceived and manipulated.

Please give us the heart and compassion we need

To make it through til the end.


March 11, 2017 (6 years after the Fukushima disaster)

Suicide & Why It’s Not a Good Idea – Margo’s Message from God

As we draw closer and closer to the total collapse of the world and all its systems, there will be more chaos, confusion and destruction.  In order to deal with what comes we need to have a strong spiritual base.  Many people will decide to end their lives to avoid pain and suffering.  Suicide groups will become very popular.  In light of this I went into deep prayer and asked God about these things and asked for guidance on how to handle these things.  I was surprised at the answer I received.  God also gave tools for people when needing help and spoke about specific activities that open people up to demonic influence that should be avoided.  Please listen to the complete message.  Take notes.  Then listen again.  This is the most important message I’ve ever put out.  Time is short and it’s now or never to get your spiritual house in order.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255

If you need instruction on Spiritual Warfare, I have a complete series on this on my youtube channel here:

I also offer one-on-one Life Coaching to listen and offer practical, holistic and spiritual support.  Just click on the “Book a Coaching Session” link at the top of the page.